Kai’s Healing Journey: Unravelling an Ancient Pharaoh’s Curse
Kai’s journey of healing continued, building on the progress from his previous session. While he has been driving his car more confidently, he still experiences episodes of intense fear. During their session, Noah noticed a lingering presense of dark energy within Kai, which he described as resembling a curse. As Noah delved deeper, he uncovered another past life of Kai’s.
Here is what Noah shared with Kai :
“You were a pahraoh in ancient Erypt, from a time long before the era of King Tut. I see hieroglyphs etched on stone walls. You are descending into a basement, with servants holding torches to light the way. In those days, pharaohs had their tombs constructed while they were still alive. You are visiting your tomb – it’s deep underground, dark, and foreboding. As you turn a corner, you enter the chamber meant to house your stone sarcophagus. The room is vast, with two imposing doors, completely shrouded in darkness. Standing there, you are overwhelmed by fear at the thought of being entombed within those walls.”
Kai was shocked to hear this revelation. However, it resonated with a memory he had. He recalled an incident from years ago when he tried an oxygen capsule. Initially, he was fine, but as soon as he realized he couldn’t open the capsule from the inside, he felt a surge of terror and panic. This event seemed to awaken a deeply buried fear. Additionally, he mentioned that the sound of large doors closing always unsettles him.
Noah continued to clear Kai’s fear energy, but it appeared to be an unending process. As he worked, Noah uncovered the source of the curse – an accumulation of negative energy from Kai’s servants during his time as a pharaoh.
Noah explained :
“Next to the pharaoh’s tomb was a chamber designated for his servants. When the pharaoh died, his servants were mummified alive to accompany him in the afterlife. They were wrapped in cloth, fully conscious, and buried beneath the floors along the walls fo their chamber. The agony and cruelty of their deaths were unimaginable. Their suffering transformed into collective energy – a powerful combination of fear, hatred, and despair directed at the pharaoh. This collective grudge formed a curse that has followed you through lifetimes. I need to clear this energy.”
The thought of such cruelty was horrifying. Kai reflected on images he had seen in magazines of mummies with faces that seemed frozen in torment. Perhaps they had been the unfortunate servants of ancient pharaohs.
As Noah worked to remove the curse, he described seeing the faces of countless servants filled with anguish and anger. The sheer weight of their negative energy surrounded the pharaoh, binding him in a perpetual cycle of fear. Noah remarked that many ancient Etyptian pharaohs likely carried similar curses due to the brutal practices of their time. As noah perforfmed the clearing, Kai’s past life as a pharaoh seemed to surface, and Noah even envisioned him wearing a crown.
Finally, after much effort, Noah succeeded in removing the fear and curse energy from Kai. In the days that followed, Kai felt a noticeable shift. When he attempted to drive again, he found that his fear had subsided. For the first time in a long while, he was able to drive without being scared. This newfound confidence brought him immense relief and joy, marking a significant milestone in his hearling journey.
(Names and details have been altered for privacy)
(Names and places have been changed to protect anonymity)